Top 10 Best Useful Accessories for Portable Generator

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Whenever you buy a gas-powered portable generator or portable solar generator, you will need some additional accessories to make your life a whole lot easier. These accessories will ensure the proper and smooth operation of your generator without any interruptions.

Whether you are using the generator for camping or RV, you will definitely need these accessories at some point. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Portable Generator Accessories

1. Transfer Switch

This is probably the most essential accessories of all when you want to use the generator in your home. When the external power fails, this switch routes the power from the generator into your home and cuts the power from the grid.

Cutting the power from the main grid is essential because when the grid’s (main supply) power is restored and if the generator is running at the same time, then your appliances can get damaged.

So it is very helpful equipment, especially when you have hardwired appliances like a furnace, well pump, sump pump, AC, and refrigerator because it is very difficult to run these appliances on the extension cord. So at that time, you can connect the transfer switch directly to your home’s main circuit and can run any appliances you want.

Also, you won’t need a transfer switch for your portable generator when you are using it for camping, RV, tailgating, or boats as they do not involve the grid’s power.

There are two types of transfer switch available on the market which are the following;

1. Manual transfer switch

This switch operates manually, meaning that you have to flip the switch manually when a power outage occurs. And also, when the grid’s power comes back, you have to again turn the switch to its normal position in order to use the main power supply.

2. Automatic transfer switch

This switch automatically detects the power outage and then disconnects the grid’s power. After that, it routes the generator’s power to your house and vice versa. Moreover, depending on your specific power demands, you can program the automatic transfer switch accordingly.

The only downside of this switch is that it is expensive, but once you get past that, I would say you will not get such a facility in any of the switches. Furthermore, it ensures the safe and efficient operation of your generator, which is a win-win for you.

2. Extension Cords

If you are not using a transfer switch, then the extension cords are important. Extension cords ensure the proper delivery of power from the generator to your appliances without any power loss.

Also, the size of the extension cord depends on the power it needs to carry, and the power cords are rated in ampere. As the amperage increases, the size of the extension cord also increases.

When selecting an extension cord, you need to consider the wattage of your generator as well as the length of the cord too. Because if the cord is way too long, then there will be a voltage drop, which results in power fluctuations and power loss.

3. A Muffler for Quieter Operation

It is true that not all generators are as quiet as inverter generators. An inverter generator is equipped with special mufflers and sound dampening material to reduce the noise even further. But this is not the case with portable generators. Luckily, you can install additional mufflers in your generator to make it quieter. Still, if you are looking for the quietest generator to use where high noise is restricted, then we suggest you look elsewhere.

4. Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)

Almost all the generators that come today are integrated with an automatic voltage regulator to help maintain the output voltage of the generator. If the output voltage of the generator fluctuates even a bit, then it can greatly damage your home appliances. However, there are some generators out there that do not come with such voltage regulators. So you may need to purchase such a device separately to protect your appliances as well as your generator too.

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5. Fuel Stabilizer

A fuel stabilizer is very important when you want to store your generator for quite some time. Basically, the fuel stabilizer keeps the fuel fresh and prevents gum buildup in it. It is especially useful in the winter season to prevent your fuel tank from clogging up. To top it off, the fuel stabilizer saves you the trouble of draining your fuel tank. Also, there is no need for a fuel stabilizer if you use a propane generator.

6. Maintenance kit

A generator uses many moving parts like gears and the engine itself, so there is no telling when they require maintenance. A good maintenance kit will help you maintain the generator efficiently and quickly in the event of an emergency.

Any maintenance kit contains many useful accessories such as;

  • Air Filter: for the cooling of internal engine parts and better air intake, the generator uses the air filters, and you need to replace them at a set interval of time.
  • Spark Plug: It is an essential component in the generator, and the generator won’t start without it. The spark plug wears out quickly; hence, you need to replace them every now and then.
  • Oil: For the lubrication and heat dissipation in the engine, all the generator uses the special oil, and you need to fill this oil tank frequently. The maintenance kit also includes this special oil, which is very handy.

7. Cold Weather Kit

If you are living in a very cold place, then you definitely need a cold-weather kit. In cold weather, the battery does not work, and the oil and fuel in the generator also clog up. So at that time, you would need a battery warmer to keep the battery warm; hence, the battery will work. And to keep the oil and fuel warm, you would need a heater.

Surprisingly, the cold weather kit includes all of these accessories to help you run your generator easily, even in cold weather.

8. Wheel Kit

The wheel kit is a very important accessory for a generator, and by using it, you can move around your generator easily. The wheel kit becomes very helpful when your generator is too heavy, and carrying it is not an option. We encourage you to use the wheel kit in your generator if your generator does not have one because not all the generators these days come with wheels. Also, if we go into more detail, then no-flat tires are superior to other tires in every aspect, so choose them over others.

9. Parallel Kit

The home backup generator rated above 8000 watts does not come with parallel ready capability because it does not need such a feature in the first place due to its high power output. On the other hand, the medium-sized portable generator and dual or tri-fuel generators come with parallel capability.

By connecting two identical generators together you can double the power output, which is a great feature in my opinion.

But in order to connect two generators in parallel, you will need a parallel kit, and it does not come with the whole package when you purchase any generator.

10. Remote Start

If you do not want to start the generator manually by walking to it and if you want to enjoy the convenience of wireless remote starting, then you should opt-in for the remote start feature. It provides you great comfort, and let’s not forget its easy operation.


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